Our connection to animals in our everyday lives is mind-blowing. And I’m not just talking about our pets. Sure I grew up with a mini zoo, from dogs and cats to hamsters, guinea-pigs and rabbits. From fish to birds to ducks, turtles and frogs, lol.
Being surrounded by so many of these wonderful creatures in my childhood attuned me to their special way of communication without words and their complete sense of intuition that they rely on. Animals in the wild are even more so attuned, as they need their intuition to survive.
Being able to be around animals and observe them, and even see to their everyday needs helps us understand them better and deepens that innate connection we have to Nature and it’s spirits. The faeries are also deeply connected with the animal spirit realm and they work along side by side. So if you are already connected to one of these it’s very likely you are to the other as well. 😉
How can we connect with these Animal spirit guides?
The spirit world as we know it, is just another dimension that exists alongside our own, and this is where our animal spirits are ever near to us, and with a little willingness and awareness, we can make contact with them and learn how to read their messages.
Not only can these spirit animals help and assist us in so many positive ways, but working with them will also deepen our appreciation and awareness for nature and all the magical beings that reside there, taking our consciousness to another level.
These animal guides are willing and ready to help us in our everyday lives if we are ready, and in turn we can honor them by donating a little of our time and effort towards caring for nature. It doesn’t have to be anything huge…although that’s fine too :)… but even just by doing our part by recycling or cleaning up litter or foregoing products that have been tested on animals etc, is already showing we care by make a simple gestures to appreciate and honor them.
What is the difference between Animal Totems, Power Animals, and Spirit guides?
In each of these next projects we will explore the different roles these terms have and get to know them better.
But let me briefly explain here what each of these mean and why:
Totem Animals
Animal totems are generally beings that you were born into, like a family usually shares an animal totem, for example, we may have found comfort in a bunny rabbit cuddle as a kid or a cuddle kitten, and in turn gift one to our own children.
But we may also have animal totems in our home such as animal statues or sculptures on our desk or altar, (which can also be a replica of our spirit animal guides). A physical representation of the spirit animal so-to-speak.
Power Animals
The term “Power animal” is a specialized spirit guide, a personal guide that accompanies you through life. It is also the animal that accompanies Shamans on their dream journeys and travels to acquire guidance, teachings and healing.
But you can totally have a connection with power animals even if you aren’t a shaman or practice Shamansim, through meditation, visions, or dreams. These power animals usually reflect you in personality and characteristics, and are a wonderful companion and guide.
Spirit guides
Spirit guides are usually animals or symbols that show up repeatedly during times of your life and represent the entire species of that animal. Sometimes these spirit guides hang around for a while, or come back repeatedly when we need them or call on them. They may channel a message relevant to that particular time in your life, or answer to a question you may have been asking.
This is what happened when I was in the beginning stages of planning this class. I had so many ideas and inspirations it was just plain overwhelming and confusing. It kept me from making a decision on what I should concentrate on.
I wanted to make a pastel class, but I also wanted to share my knowledge and passion for nature spirits and power animals. It’s an incredibly vast subject that could never possibly be covered in one class.
And that was when the Snow leopard showed up and nudged me in the right direction. But we’ll get to that in a minute…
First we will start with getting to know our power animal. Our lifelong spirit guide who is always alongside us to guide, offer wisdom, and nudge us in the right direction.
So come and join me on an exciting journey to meet our power animal! 🙂