There are numerous ways to communicate with the faery, some of which we covered in week one, but there are other ways I also use regularly. In this section, I will explain a little about each one and how they have worked for me.
Oracle cards
In week one we started through guided meditation and, afterwards, through creating. Both of these methods work very well but we don’t always have that special time alone to meditate or create. Sometimes we may have a question or doubt about something and want a quick insight into the problem.
Faeries love to give insight but be aware that what they tell you might not always be what you want to hear.
Faeries never lie and have the knack of telling us exactly what they think. They look deep into our hearts and see we need to hear even if it isn’t what we expect.
Sometimes, when our subconscious hears their voices, it can be a jumble and not have a whit of sense. This is because I’ve found that they often talk in riddles and rhymes. They love to play word games and sometimes drive me insane with frustration!
So I’ve found that the easiest and quickest way to gain insight and get a clear message is through oracle cards
Many of you know I’m a psychic and do readings, but you certainly don’t have to be one to receive their messages through the cards. It only takes an open heart, a quiet mind, and the will to listen and stay open to their message.
In this next video, I will show you how I do this but please know that you will have to find your own method that is most comfortable for you.
Even though this doesn’t have to be a long reading, it’s also important to take a few minutes to clear and protect your space regularly so that you can keep a positive and safe space for the faeries to join you.
The best spot to hold your reading (even if just for one card), is at or near your faery altar. They are more likely to feel safe and welcome there and will have already gained enough confidence to speak openly to you through the cards.
video: working with oracle cards
Wasn’t that fun? I always enjoy these readings as they can bring so much insight and wisdom but also irony and humor to bleak situations.
Automatic writing
Another fun way to communicate with the faery is automatic writing.
I often use this method when doing readings and connecting with spirit guides, loved ones, and ancestors.
For some of you this method might bring more resistance than the first, whereas for others who enjoy writing poetry and stories, this could come more spontaneous.
In any case, I suggest you try it and see if you might enjoy it. I admit I am not naturally a poet or storyteller, yet the faeries have sometimes communicated their stories or poems to me when I was open to receive them.
And who knows, you might just surprise yourself, and them! Faeries are natural storytellers who love to share stories, riddles, and rhymes with you.
In this next audio video, I will share with you a story that a faery told me a few years ago. I still remember clearly how my pen flowed freely on the paper and I was both fascinated and inspired by her story. Although I never finished it (as life tends to get in the way sometimes), I hope that one day when I pick up a story book and pen again, she will share the rest of her tale.
I hope it encourages you to try this method of automatic writing and share these wonderful stories.
audio video: The faery with a broken wing
I hope you enjoyed my inspired faery tale.
I can’t wait to see what shows up for you! Don’t forget to share your stories in our Facebook group!
Another beautiful example of this is this micro poem from one of the members in our Facebook community, Judy Wood, who shared one of her short story poems with us:
Winter Moon
Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a palace made of moss.
The princess loved her family dearly but the earth was calling her home.
She wandered out to the edge of the woods, and there she found her peace.
She held out her little arms and reached to touch the winter moon.
The winter moon hid her face behind a cloud.
All was still.
The princess took one last breath, before falling into earth’s deep slumber.
– Poem by Judy Wood
Faeries love to visit our dreams and take us to the faery realm while we are in our unconscious state. I myself have always been a vivid dreamer and love to interpret dreams. Before one of my readings, I ask that person if they have had recurring dreams. Often, it is our subconscious mind sending us signals and lessons that our rational mind otherwise neglects or even refuses to listen.
Although dreaming is not something we can consciously turn on, we can invite faery dreams in various ways.
One way I do this is by placing a crystal or combination of them under my pillow.
In the last chapter, I talked about the different ones that can aid in bringing on dreams. Sometimes we dream vividly, but when we wake we almost instantly forget the dream and what took place. A trick I once learned when studying dream reading was to put something completely random on your bedside table before falling asleep with the intention that when you see this the next morning you will recall your dream.
It has to be something you don’t normally keep there like a pan, a pot, or a spoon or whatever. The instant you wake you will see this and wonder why it’s there and that will jolt your memory trying to remember how it got there. In that instant, you remember you put it there to recall your dream!
It’s important to have a dream journal by your bed and take some minutes to write down briefly what you remember. The act of writing this down will ingrain those seeds into your memory and help you recall better when you want to write or paint it in your faery journal.
An example of one of these instances is in my bonus lesson later in the fourth week where we will paint my dream together.
I hope that it will inspire you to keep a dream journal and paint your own dreams and visions.