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I personally think there is nothing more powerful than telling our own story through art.

Sometimes it’s scary…. And yes, it takes courage.

But there’s a message that the viewer can feel so strongly and maybe even relate to.

Or who knows, may even  be inspired to tell their own.

In this lesson I talk about how I want to combine and express my experiences and turning points in life. I want to express those emotions in my portrait, telling my story, as I invite you to tell yours.

It is a very intuitive process, many times I start out with an idea but it evolves and takes twists and turns. Let the painting speak to you as you go. Let it guide you and nudge you in the right direction. And most of all, let your heart speak.


“Behind the mask of indifference
Lies a woman with passion and conviction.
Behind the mask of silence …
Are a thousand words that will no longer be quiet.
Behind the mask of tradition
Lies a woman longing to break free from conformation.
Behind the mask of expectations
Lies a woman whose dreams were far too long forsaken
Behind that mask we wear too often
Lies a woman who will be silent no longer.”

-Katrina Koltes

Here are the reference photos I used

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