Faeries are known for their dream magick and there are many tales of mysterious things that happen when faeries are near during our dreamtime.
I found that the air elemental faeries are the best to help you with dream work, but feel free to ask whomever you are called to.
You’ll find that sometimes you might ask faeries to help you get what you want, but they’ll end up giving what you need. These can very well be different from what you expect so just be aware of that.
What you will need:
- A herbal tea to drink (preferably Jasmine)
- A white, blue, or purple candle (faeries love white, but blue and purple are also associated with dream work and psychic powers)
- Your dream wand (optional)
How to make the spell
- When you are ready to go to bed, slowly sip your tea and think of what you want the faeries to reveal to you in your dreams. Maybe you want to revisit some past lives or memories, the faery realm, need a solution to a problem, meet a loved one that’s passed, or you are just feeling the need for some faery magick while you sleep.
- As you drink your tea, light your candle, you can even play some faery music or a soft instrument. Hold your wand with the point towards the flame, you can say my rhyme or make your own:
“Faeries of the air, wise and fair, show me what my soul might need.
Open my heart and my mind, let me leave this world of mine behind.
Reveal with me your magick and light, as we dance in the moonlight.
Show me what’s good and pure, guide my soul to what’s true.”
- As you say these words try to picture in your mind what you would like the faeries to show you in your dreams. Choose a few scenarios, but show them clearly in your mind so they know which direction you’d like to take.
- Now take your dream wand and point it towards your third eye chakra (just on your brow, in-between your eyes), then over your bed and pillow, saying these words: “Show me what’s good and pure, guide my soul to what’s true.”
- Before you fall to sleep blow out the candle and repeat the last phrase again three times as you drift off to sleep — (Make sure these are the last words you speak as you fall to sleep).
“Show me what’s good and pure, guide my soul to what’s true.”
If you are worried that you will wake without remembering your dream, remember my suggestion in last week’s lesson on “faery communication”, by putting something on your bedside table you normally wouldn’t have there, like a pan or pot, or something outrageous. Since you will first notice it when you wake, and wonder why it’s there, you will connect that to the reason why you put it there in the first place, which was to remember your dream.
The best thing to do then is to write down your dream in your journal while your memory is still fresh, that way you can get back and paint it later.
I would love to hear your experience in our facebook group! 🙂