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Faery Enchantments, rituals, and spells

Now that we have learned how to communicate with the faery, how to recognize the friendly ones, and how to protect ourselves from the less friendly ones, we can now start to work together with them to create some faery magick. 

You might be wondering: Why would I want to make enchantments and spells with the faery?

Since faeries live in the astral world, they can have much easier access and raise energy, channeling it back into our world. I’ve found that because they are elemental beings and represent the elements of nature, they can help with many environmental concerns, as well as healing and protection.  

While casting a spell or enchantment, you will want to work inside the safety of your faery circle. This means all your equipment and tools will be inside this circle and the faeries will be outside of it. 

A circle contains your focused energy and makes sure no unwanted entities can enter while you are creating magick. This is very important as even if you are working with friendly faeries, they might sometimes want to play tricks and games, usually something you don’t want to have as a distraction just in that moment. So, to be safe and avoid anything going awry, we can cast a circle of light around us raising a wall of energy while we create magick. 

The number five is also a big part of faery lore and is apparently sacred to them. 

So instead using multiples of three — which would be my usual choice — I try to use the number five when making magick with the faery folk, if it pleases them. 

For example, repeat a spell five times, light five candles instead of three, walk five times around your altar or circle, etc.

We will get more into that in the next chapter. For now, let me remind you that each type of fairy has special powers and strengths when making magic and can help us with different things. This usually depends on their element.

Some more common ones are:

Brownies — They can help aid in the protection of our home and of people, and also in gaining abundance.

Gnomes —  They can help us when we need healing of ourselves and others, healing and protection of our pets, finding lost objects, abundance and prosperity, fertility, Earth magick and the environment.  

Dryads — They are helpful in astral travel, spirituality and divination.

Elves — They can powerfully aid in all magick. 

Nymphs, Merpeople and water guardians  Can help in healing marine environment and water magick

Leprechauns — Can aid in prosperity, abundance, and spirituality

Dragons — Can aid in fire magick and earth healing 

Sylphs — Can aid any air magick and manifesting dreams and wishes

So how do we invite the faeries to work with us?

The simplest way to invite faeries into our space and create some magick with us is by stating our intention and asking their help. If they wish, they will join in. It’s important to explain our motives, and why and what we intend to create the spell or enchantment for– especially if it is for ourselves. 

You will find that they are more likely to readily participate in an enchantment for healing the environment, but when we want to ask for healing or abundance for ourselves, we must have pure and clear motives. Faeries have the ability to see our hearts and some will be willing to aid us if we are honest and true.

Casting a circle and raising faery energy

First of all we want to cast a protective circle around us, making sure no unwanted entities can enter while we are at work.

It’s very simple to do this, and you may already have your own methods. 

I like to either point my wand in a circular motion around me five times visualizing a white light creating a protective barrier or use the power of sound such as my Tibetan or crystal bowl to create this protective vibration around me. 

As you do this you can say a short mantra like “I welcome now only positive faery energy and light. Aid me now in doing what is good and right.” 

Next I like to raise some faery energy together.

One of my favorite methods is by drumming. I have a shamanic drum and they love to dance along with me to the beat. Faeries love dancing and it’s important to keep things fun and playful if we want them to participate. Other music they love is the flute, harp, or stringed instrument, but you can also just play some music and dance around your circle with them. As you do this, imagine a vortex of energy rising higher and higher, until it creates a cone around and above you. 

When you feel this high vibration of energy surrounding you, you can then create your spell or enchantment, releasing the cone of energy once you are done by letting the energy drain as you relax your muscles and slow and deepen your breathing. 

So what tools do we need for our magick work?

We don’t need many tools at all– it’s mostly a representation of each element. I like to use an altar cloth which I usually place on the floor in the middle of my circle. 

You will also want to have a few candles, between one to five. The faeries especially like white or flower scented candles but any will do. If you don’t have candles some light scented incense will do as well.

One of my favorite tools is a faery wand. I like to have specific wands for specific purposes, but it’s really not at all necessary. In this next chapter, I will take you through the process of creating a wand and anointing it for ritual work. It’s very important that we work together with the faery while creating this wand so that their magic can infuse into it from the beginning. 

While we create our enchantments we can certainly use normal words but, in general, faeries love to talk in rhymes. When we use their style of speech we are, in a way, showing them that we are doing this together. 

Rhymed enchantments or chanting spells are like mantras— they are easier to remember and repeat, but mostly they create a certain vibration and radiance in their rhyme, almost hypnotic. Remember, the universe is full of energy, vibrating at various frequencies. As you vibrate these energies you attune to mother nature and the universe. 

Be clear with your intention. Use your imagination to visualize what you want to manifest. Visualize your energy and that of mother nature and the universe combining with the energy of the faery and channel this into your wand as you state your intentions. 

These intentions must always be of the purest motive, only help create healing, light and love. 

Now that we know the basics for creating our spells and enchantments, we can create our faery wand!

“Elves are enchanters, we enchant every day, we enchant in the morning, we enchant on our way. We enchant as the stars give light to the night, neath the moon that is glowing softly or bright. We enchant as we slip off to sleep, we enchant in our dreams for the magic to keep. All our beloved safe and fulfilled, as we’ve enchanted, and just as we’ve willed.”   – The Silver Elves.          

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