So now that we have our wand and covered the basics of faery ritual we can start putting some faery magick into practice!
These are just a few ideas to get you started — some that I have tried myself and enjoyed.
Once you get the hang of it you can invent your own and let your faery guides show you what to do… It’s really very simple!
I find that before we can give our healing energy to others or the earth, we must be able to heal ourselves. In order to give light, we must have enough light to give.
This is why I added this chapter first, as self-care and healing is very important if we want to be able to help others. The more we gift to ourselves, the more we can give out, and the brighter our light can shine. The faeries have been teaching, even scolding me, so much about this lately.
For as long as I know I have been the type of person that tends to give out till I feel empty and spent. I keep trying to give and give even when my well is empty.
In these last months the faeries have taught me that it’s ok to take time to rest sometimes, to care for myself, and to stop and take time to replenish.
So before you start healing others and the earth and everything else, I urge you to stop and ask yourself: “What do I need right now?”
Maybe you feel physically exhausted and stressed and need some faery energy in your life. Or maybe you are going through an emotionally difficult time and need a little magic and inspiration to keep you going.
Whatever it is, the faeries can help you bring this back again, and fill your magical well to overflowing.
All we need to do is ask.
Healing ritual for the body
Let me begin by saying that faery magic can alleviate pain, ease symptoms, and bring back energy.
This is not the same as curing the illness, and these rituals are not a substitute for any medical treatment you may be required to take for your illness.
What I want to stress is that faery magic can help with the symptoms, paving the way to healing, if this is what is meant to happen.
That’s not to say that being positive and hopeful will cure you, but it surely will make things more bearable.
These rituals are a way to bring more positivity and light into your body, releasing pain and inviting healing. It’s very important that you keep an open mind and heart and really believe that the magic can happen.
Believing is receiving.
Before you begin, you will want to localize the area of your body where you are feeling pain or sickness. If you don’t know this you can ask the faery to show you.
The best way is to take a journey into the faery realm and ask one friendly faery that you meet to help you do this. Faeries have the ability to see our very soul and they can instantly see what area in your body is suffering.
Another way is by giving yourself a full body scan.
Sit comfortably or lie down in a grassy or flowery garden or field. If that is not possible, lie on your living room floor and with your mind’s eye visualize yourself outside — letting your body connect to the earth. Close your eyes and begin to scan each chakra one by one, feeling into them and noticing if there are any blockages there.
Usually our inner knowing will guide us but we can also ask the faery to show us. As we feel into each chakra, close your eyes to see if you visualize a color. If at any time you feel or see a grayish or black color, you know that is the problem area. Don’t stop there and continue to scan all your chakras as sometimes a few are connected.
Once you have an idea of what and where you want to ask the faery for healing, we can begin the ritual. The more specific we are with the faery, the more effective it will be.
This Healing ritual is just an idea to get you started. You can adapt it to what you have and even invent your own with a little help from the faery.
In this ritual I created, I wanted to bring some relief to my back, which I painfully suffer from for as long as I can remember. I have had scoliosis since I was a child, and that causes extreme pressure in my upper back, triggering such sharp pain between my shoulder blades I can hardly move from the intensity.
I decided to use a basic fire magick spell, calling on the Dragon and fire faeries for strength and relief from the burning pain in my back.
This is a very simple ritual and one you can easily adapt to your own needs.
You can write down this process in your faery journal so that when you are making the spell you can follow the steps easier. It is also a great place to write up your own as you improvise them for yourself.
Things you will need:
- A large white candle
- matches or lighter
- A small plate and a handful of soil or sand to set the candle on
- An athame, knife or sharp object to carve into the candle
- (If you are doing this healing ritual is for someone else you will need a photograph or something of theirs that holds their energy.)
- Your wand (if you have one) or something that will invoke the faery type you want to work with.. (In my case, I used a rock that I had painted of a Spirit Dragon’s eye, and a Carnelian flame crystal for inviting the Fire Faeries).
- A representation of all four elements (I used wood for earth, a shell for water, a feather for air, and the candle for fire).
- I also used my nordic runes, so that the fairies could share a symbol with me. Once I asked the faeries to show me a symbol, I pulled a rune from the pouch and then carved this symbol into the candle. You can also just close your eyes and visualize what they want to show you, or stop to listen. Many times they will share a symbol or a word or two with you, or a vision that can be described in one word.
Before you begin you can decide on a particular faery type or element you want to ask for aid. IN this case I’m calling on the Fire Faeries and Dragon Spirits. As I mentioned in chapter one of this week, there are certain faeries that are more likely to be willing to help you with this, but stay open to who shows up too, you might be pleasantly surprised.
- Begin by casting your faery protection circle and raising faery energy — as I described in the first chapter of this week “Casting a circle and raising energy”.
- Once you have done this and are now sitting in the center of your circle, take your candle and empower it with healing energy. You can do this by holding it in both hands and visualizing the white faery light surrounding you flow into the candle.
- As you do this, visualize yourself (or the person you are doing this healing ritual for) completely healthy and whole, full of life and energy.
- Then ask the faeries to show you a word, symbol, or image to represent this energy. (This is where I pulled a rune from my pouch).
- Next, with the knife or sharp object carve into the candle the image or word that comes to mind. It can be a single word or more, a symbol or rune… stay open to what they show you.
- Set the candle in the soil or sand, and point your wand (or whatever it is you are using to represent their magick) to the candle saying these words (or whatever you feel inspired to say) “I call upon the power of the Dragon Spirits and Fire Faeries (or whomever you are invoking for this particular ritual) to bring their healing energy here and now. As the candle burns, so does my illness. As the candle is transformed, so am I. (use the other person’s name you are healing instead of “I” or “my” if not for yourself) As my intentions are carried into the spirit realm, may they now manifest into the physical realm. So be it.”
- Light your candle now and as you gaze into the flame visualize the flame burning away your illness, and then burying under the dirt or sand surrounding the candle.
- Once you are ready, blow out the candle and slowly release the energy back into the universe, thanking the faery spirits for aiding you in this ritual and releasing the circle of protection.
Creating this spell was a beautiful and spiritual experience, and the amazing thing is that the rune symbol I pulled from the pouch turned out to be the Kenaz, meaning a beacon or torch. This rune represents the vital fire of life, of transformation and regeneration. The power to create our own reality, the power of light, strength and energy.
Healing the soul with the Tree Spirits
As many of you know I love to spend time in nature and most especially with trees. I feel they can communicate to us if we listen and share both wisdom and healing for body and soul. This healing experience can be adapted to ailments of both or physical and emotional, as trees are particularly receptive to healing.
When my mother in law passed away a few weeks ago, I desperately felt the need of emotional healing. It didn’t help either that, being in quarantine at this time, I wasn’t allowed to take walks to the forest to connect with them.
I discovered that I could still visit my favorite woods and trees through meditation journeys.
So if you are not able to go outside at this time, know that you can also practice this next healing ritual in spirit. Journeying into the faery realm in itself is a wonderful way to lift your mood.
The important thing is to enter into this space with a positive attitude, regardless of how you feel. Faeries are wonderful mood lifters and, the more you work with them, the more you will notice how they love to cheer you up when you are feeling down.
For this healing ritual, you will want to find a tree that responds to your energy. Look for a healthy, mature tree, that feels special to you — even better if this tree is in the forest or woods. There might even be one that visits you in your dreams.
The best time is when the sunlight is filtering through the leaves, casting a golden energy and glow.
- I like to take a gift with me when asking for healing so that I am giving something in return. This is usually a small crystal tumble or stone, a painted rock, or a colorful ribbon to tie to its branch afterwards.
- Once you have found your tree, place your hand on the trunk and ask their permission to connect. You will usually feel a resonating vibration in your hand and arm, and may even hear the spirit tree softly whisper through the wind in the leaves. If the sensation is soft and inviting you know it is the right one. If you feel resistance and hostility move on and find another tree that will be more receptive. Not all tree spirits are receptive, but the ones that are have such a beautiful energy that can’t be mistaken.
- Once you have their permission sit with your back against the tree and connect with the earth beneath you. Put your hands and feet (preferably bare) against the earth and let any negative energies drain down into the earth. Notice how you begin to feel lighter and calmer already.
- Now once you feel calm and centered, notice the connection of your back with the tree trunk. Imagine now the golden energy of Mother Earth flowing up through your body and into the bark behind you.
- Focus now on any parts of your soul or emotions or even your body that has been causing you pain or grief — I usually sit with my back to the tree, as I like to feel the comforting embrace of the tree around me, but you can also stand facing the tree and put your hands on the trunk instead. Imagine all the tension, grief, or pain draining out of you now and into the ground, and being replaced with the healing energy of the tree, flowing into your body, filling it with light. Continue this circuit of energy for as long as you need till you feel completely relaxed and restored.
- Close your eyes and you might see the tree spirit in your mind’s eye, or hear her soft whisper.
- If you were sitting, stand and face the tree now, and thank them for their healing energy by hugging the trunk, tying a ribbon to one of the branches, or placing a small tumble stone or crystal at its roots.