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Healing the Earth with the faery

If you really want to make friends with the faery and receive their help readily and willingly, the best thing we can offer them is to help care for the earth. Faeries are not just part of nature, they are nature. Anything we do to nature reflects our respect and attitude towards them.

There are many things that we can start doing in our daily life to help the faery heal the earth. Little things that if done by many people make a big difference.


For example, I used to have a plot of land in a local park where we were allowed to grow vegetables. I really enjoyed working in that garden, and would ask the faeries to help us grow the plants strong and plentiful. As a favor in return, I would pick up any litter I would find around the park and dispose of it, keeping the area nice and clean. (I always carried a plastic bag and some gloves in my purse for this reason.)  

I noticed that if I was diligent in this task, they would make sure our vegetables would grow healthy and bountiful. 

One morning, after a long and cold winter, as I was trying to figure out how I was going to manage to finish plowing the plot of soil with my back already aching and in so much pain, I suddenly heard a soft lilting whisper saying not to worry that it would be taken care of. 

Sure enough the next morning as I walked to my garden, I was shocked to see the entire plot of ground completely and neatly plowed, weeded, and ready for planting. 

I never found out how they managed this, but I knew that the faeries had wielded a little bit of their magic over night. 

In the days that followed, as we waited for our vegetables to grow, we were gifted with baskets of fresh produce from the nearby gardeners… another sure sign that the faeries were sending us gifts for cleaning up the litter in the park.

I hope my story inspires you to work together with the faeries in this way. We can be their healing hands, eyes, and voice if we are open to receive in return. 

Recycling is also so important and much appreciated by the faery. Here where I live, we recycle everything, all the waste is divided into paper, plastic, organic, and glass. 

You can also find out if there are ways you can recycle waste in your area. 

One person might not make much of a difference, but if we all do it together, we can make a big difference and shift in the environment.

Magick spell for healing the Earth

This next simple ritual is one you can do either alone or in a group, or with your children. 

You don’t need many tools, and this ritual is better done outdoors in a place of nature you want to restore beauty to or protect. You can also do this indoors and address Mother Earth at large. 

You can call on the Merpeople and Water Faeries to aid you in healing of the oceans and seas, or the Gnomes, Dwarves and Earth Faeries for healing of the earth.    

You will need:

  1. Once you are at your spot, either in nature, by the sea, or home (if at home you will want to make sure you are in a place that won’t be ruined by the water) settle in comfortably with your sphere or water jar, depending on what you are doing the spell for: earth or ocean. You can also combine them together, you will just need to address both the water and earth elements.
  2. Hold the sphere or water jar in your hands, charging it with your energy, visualising a white light flowing all around it. 
  3. Now ask the faeries (be specific on the ones you are invoking, whether earth element or water element) to infuse their energy into the sphere that now represents mother earth, or the jar of water that represents the seas and oceans.
  4. Project your visualization on how you wish the earth (or sea) to be, pure and free from pollution, free from disease or war, etc. You can gently caress the earth or water as if you were comforting someone who is sick, sharing love and healing.
  5. Now point your wand (or continue to hold your hands around) the sphere or water jar and say my little mantra here (you can also create your own, but it always works better and is easier to remember if it rhymes) 

“Joined together both human and fae, to heal the earth (or ocean) today. Mother nature, home to us all, we pledge respect, one and all. Healed, cleaned, and disease free, let this healing wand (or hands) bring peace. As we will it so it will be.” 

  1. If you are in a group pass this around and let everyone repeat it as they hold the globe or water. 

Protection spell for family and home

Many fairies want to keep our home happy and healthy and will gladly lend their energies to create a shield of protection around your home.

Some examples of the faeries you can ask for aid in this spell are household faeries such as the Scottish Brownies, Russian Domoviyr, Irish Bean Tighe, or Welsh Twlwwyth Tegs

You’ll find that kids love to join in this one and the faeries love it even more when children are involved. 

Just as the Corona virus broke out here in Italy, the kids and I wanted some extra protection for our home so we created this spell in our garden. However, it can also be done indoors in a large enough room. 

What you will need:

  1. We began by casting a Faery circle (as described in the first chapter of this week “Casting a faery circle”, large enough to walk around and sit inside as well. (This can also be done indoors, and the stones can be replaced with plants, herbs, flowers, or leaves, or things that will relate to the elements of nature.) 
  2. Once you cast your circle, stand in the center, turning clockwise in the Northern hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Picture light flowing from your crystal, wand, (or index finger if you don’t have either) making a shimmering outline of light rising from the ground to waist high, so you are enclosed in a glowing circle.
  3. Now walk outside your circle five times, then in the opposite direction again 5 times. As you do this you can play your instrument (Faeries love music!) like the flute, singing bowl, or drum (like my son did here) and say something like this these words: “Lord and ladies of the Fey (you can also be more specific here on who you are asking for help), I encircle this place of harmony, and tranquility, in beauty, joy and humility, I now welcome your presence and protection.” (You can also do this with bare feet if indoors or warm enough outdoors.) 
  4. Standing still now you can address the Guardian of each element, specifically asking their blessing and protection by saying something like “Gentle Guardian of the Air, I ask that you guide and protect us from disease” and so on.
  5. Now make a small offering to your guardians to show your gratitude. Faeries love crystals, artwork, shiny objects, shells, fruit, bread and milk, etc. Me and the kids collected our painted rocks, shells, crystals and shiny stones, flowers and leaves, fresh and dried fruit.
  6. Now walk again five times in each direction to close your circle and say something like this: “Wise guardians of the earth, fire, air and water, we thank you for your presence, protection, and abundance, may we walk always with the light of your blessings. Until we meet again, we wish you peace and joy as you return to your world and us to ours.”
  7. You can now do something for your environment, in exchange for their help, like water or care for your plants, tend to your animals, or tidy up your yard or house.

Simple isn’t it? There are so many effective ways you can adapt and invent your own– this is just one of many I’ve used time and time again. Sometimes I adapt or change it a little depending on where I am doing it or who I’m with. The kids loved this ritual too and will most probably have ideas of their own to add! 

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