So How do we get messages from our spirit guides?
Sometimes the messages are there right in front of our eyes, but we are so caught up in our every-day lives that we miss them. This has happened so many times to me, and then looking back I realize the answers were there in my face all along!
There are many ways animal spirit guides try to get a message across, both visually, symbolically, or through our dreams.
For example, one day I just started to see spiders everywhere. It was pretty disturbing as I’m not a huge fan of spiders, or insects in general, but it all started off when I stepped into the shower one day and there were three there waiting for me, lol. The next day my son flipped to his favorite documentary channel and there they were again, spiders, lots of them! Eeek!
Later on in the day I was at the park with my kids and a I catch a spider crawling right up my leg.
But it didn’t end there! I kept stumbling over them for a few days, so I finally got the hint to look up in one of my animal guide books to see what message they bring.
I was amazed, and I realized it fit the situation so perfectly! At the time I was just getting into meditative dream journeying, but was still unsure if it was the right path for me. I discovered that the spider invites us to explore other realms and dimensions.
I was also in a stage where I was quite stuck artistically, and knew I wanted to bring a new dimension in my art, but I wasn’t sure how. The spider’s message is also a reminder to access our deepest wisdom so that it becomes a daily part of our living, and in our art. He also inspires us to write creatively, and be inspired by nature. Go figure!
This was the beginning of my journey and deeper connection and understanding with these animal guides. I started reading and studying up as much as I could and the more I did, the more they showed up both symbolically and in my art.
I really believe that if we are willing to listen, they are just waiting and willing to assist us in so many ways!
A few ways you can expect to receive these messages (other than in the examples above) are through these methods. Normally if you have at least three of these experiences in a short period of time (usually a couple days) you can pretty much be sure they are trying getting a message across. Here are some of the different ways I’ve experienced:
- through your dreams or dream journeys
- visually (you might actually see the animal, or it might show up on tv or in a book or on internet, etc)
- claircognizance ( a certain “knowing” you feel in your gut)
- auditory (someone might mention this animal to you or you hear something on the radio etc)
- through a card reading
Sometimes you don’t even need to look up what the meaning of each of these animal guides are, sometimes its enough to close your eyes and visualize this spirit animal and ask “What are you trying to show me?”… You’d be surprised how they can communicate through your thoughts and mind, if we are open and willing to receive.
So without much further ado, we will go on to our next painting, “An intuitive guide”…