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Painting our dreams

During the creation of this workshop, I desperately felt the need for comfort and encouragement in this difficult time of quarantine.

I was feeling mentally and physically stressed, closed up wit the kids at home for weeks on end, my sanity and patience at risk.

One night, before bed I had the urge to put this Amazonite palm stone under my pillow.
I often carry it around with me but it was the first time I put this particular stone under my pillow.
Many different stones have different effects when keeping them under our pillow, (for example merlanite will bring me into dreams of past lives, smoky quartz a dreamless deep sleep, selenite and elestials dreams of angels and soul memories) and each crystal will work differently for each person.

So that night, with this faery stone under my pillow under my pillow, I had a very vivid dream.

I was standing in the Faery ring in my garden with my head in my hands, thinking why are these crazy things happening right now and I just felt so discouraged. I thought, “I wonder what would it like to feel lighthearted and free just for a little while…”

With a heavy heart, I began walking back into the house. I turned back to glimpse the Faery ring one last time, and instantly my heart skipped a beat….

There, standing in the Faery ring, were two life sized faeries glowing with an ethereal light.

I blinked, and thought “I’m just tired and seeing things”

Then I heard one laugh and say as she held out her hand “you’re not imagining, come on and dance with us”!

She had this beautiful sing-song voice and her whole being was glowing in the full moon’s light.

I thought to myself with a little giggle “heck why not, when is the last time I danced?”

I moved closer and they both grabbed my hands and started whirling me around and around in a circle, faster and faster till my feet were basically hovering over the ground.
I began to feel like a little girl again, carefree and happy and like anything is possible, and everything will be okay.

Their voices were ethereal and soothing, their faces beautiful and sweet, my heart bursting with a joy that I haven’t felt in ages.

After some time dancing with them like this I said it’s time to go, and started moving back towards the house.

They told me that whenever life gets heavy and unbearable, whenever I’m feeling discouraged or sad, I can come back here and they would help me feel better.

In that instant everything made sense.

I understood why I have been deeply called to create this Faery workshop during this time, when everything seems dark and heavy and hopeless.

They want to help bring us hope, light, and laughter back into our lives, if only we will open our hearts and receive it.

I have been keeping dream journal since a few years now, and many times I write or sketch my dream as soon as I wake so that I don’t forget the details.

I really wanted to dedicate a page in our journal for this magical experience with the faeries, so I decided to create this bonus lesson for you.

You can either use the techniques to paint one of your own dreams, or follow along and paint mine.

I hope you enjoy bringing them to life with me!

This is the royalty-free reference photo from I used for the face.

As you can see I only used it in the beginning of the drawing, then she took on a life of her own as I added the paint.

Painting our dreams – part one

Wasn’t that fun? Sometimes it’s hard to know when to stop!

I can’t wait to see your painted dreams too. 🙂

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