A couple days after painting the forest faeries I realized there was more that wanted to come through and share their message.
Here in Italy Spring is just starting and there are little spring flowers blooming everywhere. While I was inspired to paint some of them this flower faery showed up. She has the most gentle and sweet spirit I couldn’t help but include another lesson so we could paint her.
Again I decided to go ahead without the help of a reference photo, and just see who shows up.
I know this can feel daunting at first, but it’s very rewarding. And especially since we are working in our journal we can let go of perfection and just go with the flow.
I am also including my pencil sketch just in case you want a to use it as a reference.
So let’s begin first with painting some flowers, this can be some from your garden or walks, or you can use some of my own photographs here:
This is also a great time to try some automatic writing.
I felt our flower faery wanted to share a poem with us so I cut out some random words and phrases and let her guide my hand as I rearranged them into a poem. This was so fun and intuitive, and a wonderful way to connect to them. You’ll be surprised at what happens when you let go and trust the process!
video: Flower faeries part one
video: flower faeries part two
I hope you enjoyed painting this sweet flower faery with me!
The next day following this painting, I had quite a pleasant surprise.
As I pulled my oracle card for the day, the “Iris of the rainbow” showed up.
I thought it was so special, being that we had just painted an Iris flower faery… A real sign of connection and that nothing happens by chance.
Her message was one of hope and promise for the future. A real timely message during this time of quarantine and stillness.
She tells us of light that breaks through the darkness, and that the passage of the storm is always a time of potential growth. Now is the time to release what is not serving us in order to make space for new growth.
To release the old, and at the same time nurture and protect the seeds we’ve been planting so that they can grow and sprout when the sun shines again, reaching up out of the darkness of the night, into new beginnings.
“Winged female faeries are the soul’s messengers, representing the spirit freed from the mundane. They are creatures of aspiration and transcendence, flying between the worlds, between heaven and earth, between the body and soul.” — Brian Froud