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So now let’s start planning our third painting! Gather together the sketches you made during or after your walks in the nature. You can also look at some images on the Pinterest board that inspire you and sketch from those, making your own version.

Gather together as much of your favorite characters as you can, or you are free to use mine too, and start trying to imagine what story you would like to portray with them.

Now fairies and mythical creatures are known to love music and festivities. Who doesn’t? I know I do, and so that’s the scene I want to portray.

I also want to add some characters from my favorite childhood story, such as a Satyre or Faun, a Centaur and a stag.

Let’s also add our Dryad, and the Fairy folk ofcourse.

You can also paint a dragon or unicorn (I might add him in as well), or whatever strikes your fancy. This is YOUR painting after-all, make it however you like!

So what are some Fairy festivals? Fairy festivals take place at crossover points in the seasons, or they are determined by the position of the sun, or just basically when the times feels right.

These are just a few of my favorite:

So with that thought in mind, let’s start breathing life into our fantasy worlds, and bring a bit of myth and magic into our art!

In this next video I will show you how I like to prepare my watercolor palette by making some color combination experiments while we start putting our story scene together… Fun! 🙂

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