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But before we begin, lets to do something brave! Let’s surprise ourselves! Let’s do something that makes us feel alive!
So for this first homework exercise, I would like you to think about something you’ve always desired or longed to do, and maybe never had the chance. We will pull our bucket list out of that rusty old box.
I’m not asking you to do anything crazy like skydiving (although that’s on my bucket list, to be honest :P) It could be anything, like going to a dance class, or maybe you’ve always wanted to go scuba diving, or cultivate your own veggie garden, ride a motorbike, sing at the top of your lungs in a crowded street, who knows?
WHAT it is isn’t that important. It’s the DOING part that is!
Who knows, you may even discover you hated doing it, or you may even discover you love it! Whatever it is, we are going to discover lots of amazing things about ourselves we maybe even had no idea about!
You don’t have to share your experience with us, it can be between you and yourself…. But it would be also fun to hear about it… It might encourage others doing this class to be brave! 

So let’s begin our journey ‘Into the Myst’ together, and discover a little more about ourselves shall we? Let’s discover that world of magic we have inside of us, just waiting to be released!


*essentials for this class

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