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Types of faeries

So you might be wondering: what do faeries really look like?

While faeries are generally small, some have the ability to take human form and size. Some are even classified as giants. 

Many faeries are even talented shape-shifters but when they unmask themselves and reveal their true inner form, we get a glimpse of their astonishing beauty.

They have often been described as astral, elemental energies, nature spirits, and seasonal helpers to the deities, and even as mischievous little creatures up to no good. 

Many speculations, folk stories, and suspicions make us confused, or even fearful of what these “beings” really are. 

Faeries love music! Some are fine musicians while others enjoy dancing the native folk dances of the lands they inhabit.

They live, not only in the astral plane, but on the edge of that world anywhere with nature. Some are sea dwellers others live below ground. 

Some are even said to rise out of the mists at dusk and then vanish again at twilight, occasionally taking a human with them to visit their enchanted realm.

Wherever we live, there are spirits and house elves attached to the land our home dwells on.

Most of the time, I hear and sense the presence of my house elves at night– their little pattering footsteps and sudden noises as the trip over my son’s toys, or play games with our cat. 

If we learn to treat them with respect they can bring extra prosperity and luck to our home.

Household guardians are natural luck and abundance bringers, especially if you have children, elderly or sick people home. They bring harmony and peace, warmth and a sense of belonging, patience and reassurance to families going through difficult times. 

The Regal Fay Guardians are also powerful and can endow us with many special gifts if only we are willing to trust. 

Many are willing to work with us when our hearts are pure and our motives honest and good. From prosperity to healing, uncovering our talents and improving our creative skills, transformation, beauty, and radiance, not only can we bring more magic into our lives, but it will benefit everyone around you too.

But if we really wanted to classify faeries, (although they are probably laughing at our attempt to pin them down) we can look at the four elements to which they are aligned: 

Earth Faeries

The Earth Faeries are beings of the forest, meadows, plants, rocks, and crystals, and hold an immense knowledge and wisdom of the earth and healing through plant and crystal methods. 

Some examples of these are: the Gnomes who dwell in the Earth; Knockers who dwell in the mines and quarries; the Dwarves of Scotland; the Dryads of Greek and Cletic lore; and the Goblins, Brownies and Pixies that live among their tree roots; the mischevious little Folleti of Italy, the noble faery race of the Sidh that live in Irish burial mounds under the earth.  

Fire faeries

Fire faeries of the hearth, bonfires, and desert are known for passion, inspiration and creativity. 

Fire has religious and magical properties and are still lit on old pagan holy days and festivals such as Sahmain and Midsummer’s eve. In many cultures, it is the duty of the Shaman or priest to keep the sacred fire burning, attracting a host of faeries to dance and flitter around the flames.

Some examples of these are: the Domovik guardian in Russian households that lives behind the hearth; The Aitvaras household dragon faery from Lithuania; the magician Goibniu of the Irish Tuath De Nannan race; the fire smith Wayland from the British Isles with flaming sword; and fire faeries such as drachen, salamanders, fire feys, and drakes that can bring wealth and abundance but are also volatile and destructive if slighted.   

Water faeries

Water faeries such as mermaids, selkies bring love and reconciliation, and help us wash away guilt, fear, and anything that is no longer serving us.

They can be found in wells, springs, fountains, lakes, rivers and pools, and at the ocean’s edge. 

They especially love running water, and crossing over or through water is a well-known method of entering their realm. 

Some examples of water faeries are: the beautiful river Nixies of England and Europe with translucent skin and long green hair; the seductive Nereids of Greece; the playful Fenetten of Germany; the dangerous Bonga faerie maidens of India; the Stromkarl musician of Norway the dwells in waterfalls; and the male and female saltwater faeries such as Mermaids and Mermen, Sirens, Selkies and Kelpies, which are both fierce and beguiling. 

Air faeries

Air faeries are winged spirits of the sky, mountains, winds and weather and they can help us with our ambitions, wishes and dreams. Their energies are both fluid and swift, beautiful and dangerous.

They are the soul’s messengers, creatures of transcendence, and fly between the worlds of heaven and earth, between body and soul.

The flying faeries are a very evolved form as they incorporate all four elements. Their wings symbolize the air element, their human or animal legs the earth element, their shimmering luminosity the fire element, and their fluidity of shape shifting the water element, and the magic of moonlight the fifth faery element.  

Faery wings are formed of shifting light and energy, a visual expression of their emotions flowing through their bodies.    

Some samples of the air faery are: the shapeshifting Sylphs and Windsingers from Greece and Egypt who live on mountaintops; the Tengu who dwell in the forests of Japan; the shapeshifting Alan spirits from the Philippine islands; the flying Gremlins who re little imps from centuries past; the spanish weather faery El Numbero; the winds faery Vejopatis from Lithuania; the weather faery Ukko from Finland; and benevolent weather spirit Ga-ho from Native America. 

So now that we have a better idea of the faeries history and who they are, we can begin creating our very own faery journal.

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