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Overcoming discouragement

Have you ever been battled with discouragement and with the feeling of giving up?

I know I have. Many times. 

Sometimes, after all the work you put into what you do, all the dedication, the sleepless night spent working at your desk….It just takes one little thing and you start to question yourself “what am I doing? Are people even interested in what I have to say? Is it even worth it?”

You start to question your own authenticity. You start to ask yourself, “Am I good enough? What am I doing wrong? Why am I feeling like this and what did I do to deserve it?” And you wonder what in the world you’ve been doing up until now.

Let me tell you the answer to this: Nothing.


Sure, people make mistakes, we all do. That doesn’t mean we aren’t worthy, aren’t authentic, aren’t ‘good enough’. Because let me tell you, if up until now you’ve been authentically sharing your talent, sharing your feelings, and sharing your heart, without expecting anything in return you are doing exactly the right thing

Somewhere along this path you are bound to get discouraged, people will put you down, or you might even feel like giving up. It’s all part of the journey. It happens to every one of us. The important thing is to NOT GIVE UP.

Let me say that again: NEVER GIVE UP. No matter what.

Keep sharing your heart, keep shining your light even when you feel it’s about to blow out. Keep being that guiding light to others who are battling with the same. We all can encourage and lift up each other.

And here are some things helped me in those dark times and might be useful to you too..






I hope I’ve encouraged you to keep shining you light even when you don’t feel like it. Keep posting your work, keep creating, and don’t let it get to you. Turn it into an opportunity, a lesson to ask yourself, what can I do better? What can I do to make my journey even more magical? What can I do to help others who are going through this very thing right now? What can I do even better?

And just remember to be yourself, always.

Much love and hugs,













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