Soul & Guide portraits Search IMG 6119 Webs of Light-signed IMG 0811 IMG 8050 “Angelic Crystal Whisperer; Bringer of Light and Ancient Wisdom.” “Warrior of old, Healer through fire magick, Angelic dragon keeper” “Priestess of Divine Wisdom and Energy; Integrator of the Higher Realms; Keeper of Sacred Earth Knowledge. “Angelic healer through plant medicine and magick, Oracle for the spirits of the forest” “Angelic bringer of light; Healer through Lemurian Wisdom codes and frequencies; goddess of sacred wisdom & guidance.” The goddess Branwen Giver of Star Magic and Mystery, Messenger for the Spirits of Nature Warrior of the Heart, Defender of the weak, Speaker of truth Daughter of Dragons, Sister of the Stars. Master of Ancient Healing Wise One of Ancient Knowledge, Earth Healer through Plant Medicine & Energy « ‹ 1 of 2 › »