The Fairy of Dreams


(Approx USD 427 according to current exchange rate)
Size: cm 30 x 30 (approx. 12 x 12 inches) on round stretched canvas
Materials used: Oils and mixed media
Shipping & tracking with DHL Express 
Make a wish—do you believe?
Ask with wonder, and receive.
Open your eyes, let magic flow,
Dreams take root where fairies glow.
I’ll chase your worries, lift your fears,
And whisper hope throughout the years.
All you cherish, pure and true,
Lives within—a gift for you.
~Katrina Koltes

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More about me and my methods


My creative process when I paint is very intuitive.

Often I begin a piece without a specific idea in mind and just let it evolve as I go with the flow. Many times I paint from my dreams and soul memories that emerge as I create, letting my heart and soul lead the way.     

My inspiration comes from my dream journeys, the faery and elven realms, the beautiful nature of forests and the sea, ancient symbols and sacred geometry, angelic and spirit realms animals, and of course, all things mystical magical.     

My intention is to create beautiful art that will empower, inspire, and bring soul connection and magick to those who view it. 

I hope you enjoy my soul creations.