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Ask the Angels – Full Moon Ritual

Hello Beautiful souls,

Today is the first day of October and a beautiful full moon in Aries!

This month’s full moon is known as the Hunter’s Moon or the Full Harvest Moon.

Last night as I gazed at her nearly full orb – big and beautiful, a yellowish-golden glow in the night sky, I felt a sense of peace that I haven’t felt for a long time.

I admit that these last few weeks have been quite challenging for me. With my youngest son starting kindergarten now and not taking it very well, then getting sick and feeling emotionally and physically drained, I didn’t think I would be able to type out this week’s blog post.

But as I gazed at the beautiful moon last night, I realized that sometimes we can find peace and stillness within us, even when everything is overwhelming.

It’s in times like this that we need to be extra gentle with ourselves, and know that we are doing the best we can.

Full moon in Aries

The full moon this month can be fiery and rash. It can make you feel irritated, argumentative, and make you forget to have a little fun every now and then.

The important thing is to find a healthy balance between the time you spend caring for others and your own self care.

It’s also a great time to make a gratitude ceremony.

Because it’s in this state of gratitude that we can manifest what we most want in life. When we are concentrating on the things we are thankful for in life, it increases our vibration and charges the energy for positive things to happen.

Here is a little full moon gratitude ceremony we can do together that only takes a few minutes, but is very effective. All you will need is a pen, paper, and a candle.

full moon gratitude ceremony

  1. Begin by taking some deep cleansing breaths, releasing all the worries and stress as you exhale.
  2. Now take your pen and paper, and write down whatever has been upsetting you or causing you stress right now. It could be negative patterns or thoughts, or even something that is out of your control. Write down what it is you want to release.
  3. Next write one thing you are thankful for each thing you wrote above that’s upsetting you. It can be people, places, or things you are thankful for. As you do this you’ll realize that there is always more to be thankful for than what is upsetting or troubling you. Continue your list of gratefulness, and see how it overflows and brightens up the page. Really feel it in your body, as the energy flows and raises your vibration.
  4. Once your list is complete, hold the paper over you candle it and light it. (Make sure you do this over a heat-proof bowl or the sink so as not to catch anything on fire!) Let it burn completely as you release it all through this cleansing fire.
  5. As you do this you can say these words out loud (or say whatever feels right to you): “I am blessed, I am loved, I am healthy, I am abundant, I am happy, I am free.”
  6. Stay in that moment for a few minutes feeling the truth of these words wash over you and within you. Notice the sense of lightness and peace it brings.
  7. As you breathe deeply and feel into this present moment, thank your body for sustaining you, for being alive, for breathing, and for being here in this very moment.

For you are a radiant being of light… And you are beautiful.

With so much love,


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