In this workshop we will be covering projects such as:
- Communicating with the faery
- Painting faeries (faces and figures) in watercolor
- Creating our own faery journal
- Journeying into the faery realm
- working with crystals and stones
- Creating faery rituals, spells and enchantments
- Painting our dreams
- Creating a faery wand
- Healing the earth with the faery
- Faery history and folklore
- Methods of protection
- Working with faeries for healing
- Creating a faery altar
- Healing body and soul with the faery
- Working with oracle cards, automatic writing, and storytelling
- Creating intuitive journal spreads
- Painting nature findings
- and so much more!
There are over 20 videos in my workshop, including painting and craft sessions, guided meditations, spiritual projects, stories, and documentaries.
All videos are downloadable and you have lifetime access so you can go at your own pace.
There will be a dedicated Facebook group where we can connect and share our work from this class.
Here is a brief outline of what we will cover each week.
Week one
- Introduction and welcome (Video)
- Supplies
- What really are faeries
- Faeries in history (video: documentary)
- Types of faeries
- Creating our journal (Videos: creative project)
- Meeting our faery guide (Guided meditation journey)
- Painting Our Faery guide (Painting video)
Week two
- Creating a faery altar (Video)
- Working with faery crystals and stones
- Communicating with the faery (Videos + audio story)
- Methods of protection
- Journeying into the faery realm (Guided meditation journey)
- Painting forest faeries (Painting videos)
- Painting flower faeries (Painting videos)
Week three
- The Elves of light
- Faery Enchantments, rituals, and spells
- Creating a faery wand (Craft videos)
- Faery healing rituals for body and soul (Video)
- Healing the Earth with the faery (Video)
- Journeying into the Elven realms (guided meditation journey)
- Painting the Elves of Light (painting videos)
BONUS! Week four
- Dream faery spell
- Painting our dreams (Painting Videos)
Here are the supplies we will be using in this class:
Here are the supplies we will be using in this class. Please note that many things can be substituted with what you have. It’s really a very flexible type of workshop. I’ve added some links just to give an idea of what I mean, but please adapt to your budget and needs. If you have any questions feel free to contact me here
- 6 to 9 sheets of 140Ib hot Press and/or cold press watercolor paper approx A3 or 12×16? size. (this is if you are going to make your own journal with me)Otherwise a watercolor journal or mixed media journal of your choice (preferably with 140Ib watercolor paper) or you can also work on separate sheets of paper for each project.
- Two sheets of cardboard half the size of your paper for the cover of your journal (this is if you are making your journal with me. I used the back of the watercolor block cutting it in half for front and back.
- Wax thread or strong thread, An awl and a large needle (for sewing the binding of the journal)
- Mat medium or strong craft glue
- A pencil, ruler and eraser, two large books (only if you are creating the journal with me)
- A cutter knife (optional), scissors (something sturdy to cut on so you don’t ruin your table)
- White gesso or white watercolor ground (only if you want to paint on your journal cover — you only need a tiny bit)
- Collage papers and/or designed napkins, small envelope, and anything that can be used for collage like pressed leaves or bits of nature, cut-out words, scraps of ribbon, lace, etc (use your imagination!)
- Watercolors – colors that you love and have. Which colors really don’t matter, but it’s good to have just a few tubes of good quality artist grade watercolor, rather than a huge set of kids or student grade ones )
- Watercolor pencils ( variety of your favorite colors)
- Paintbrushes (variety of sizes of watercolor brushes, large small and medium is fine.) You’ll also need any old flat cheap one one for the mat medium.
- Straw, old toothbrush, salt, paper towels, water jar
- Ink pen for writing (I like to use a waterproof one when dealing with watercolors). A dip pen with waterproof ink is also fine.
- White gouache or ink
- Iridescent gold fluid acrylic or gold ink
- Any photos of nature from your walks (leaves, flowers, mushrooms, trees, etc) I will be providing lots of my own photos too
- For our faery wand & faery altar: small found stick from your favorite tree and/or drift wood.
- A small (preferably) pointed crystal for the tip (eg. amethyst, clear quartz, or one of your favorites) plus small tumbles and other crystals for your altar (Europe based FB shop here)
- Nature findings (leaves, rocks, bark, moss, shells, dried flowers, herbs, etc) for your altar
- Glue gun (or strong glue)
- Air-dry clay,(we only need a tiny bit) a skewer or pointed object. You can also substitute or combine the clay with leather string, cloth, leather strips, strong ribbon, or material.
- Some acrylic or ink to paint the clay once dry (not needed if you are not using clay)
- Large white candle, matches or lighter
About me

As a child, I could see faeries with remarkable ease! Sadly, as I grew into adulthood I realized it became more and more difficult as we are taught to be sensible and that faeries were related to fairy tales and children’s books.
I began to feel a deep longing, missing their connection. I realized that they were still there waiting for me to reconnect with them.
They have the ability to see our hearts, and can help us reconnect with our very soul.
Once I opened my heart, they slowly started to connect again, especially during my creative process. I realized that the more I worked with them, the more there was to discover, to learn, and grow.
I am so excited to share my process with you so that you can experience the same magic as I have.
When we open our hearts to the faery, we invite transformation, abundance, and creativity into our lives and all of those around us.
“At the edge of our world, at the edge of the other world, the beautiful and mysterious faeries stand, watching and waiting to greet us, inviting us to journey with them as our guides a we walk the infinite paths of the faerie.” – Brian Froud
Here are some examples of what the students have been creating in this class: